Dear Colleagues,

The Institute of Mathematics of the CNRS (INSMI) should be able as last year to offer a limited number of research positions in 2019, available to foreign visitors from the “UMI’s”, “LIA’s” or “GDRI's”.
I hereby recall that these positions are for three months (shorter visits cannot be funded under this scheme).
Invitations can be extended at any seniority level (assistant, associate or full professors).
The offer is open to all non-French academics, member or not of your UMI, LIA or GDRI: however, a clear connection with the scientific activity of the UMI/LIA/GDRI should appear in the file.
We do not yet know the precise number of positions we shall be able to offer.
We thank you for advertising for such positions in your laboratory and inviting people who might be interested to prepare application files.

The file should contain:
- A Vitae (with list of publications).
- A specific scientific project for the visit.
- Tentative dates of stay.
- The candidates should also contact the laboratory they want to visit in France and include an approval from its director.
- The candidates should also contact their UMI/LIA/GDRI and include an approval from its director or coordinator.

I recall that it is mandatory that:
-The visitors are less than 65 years of age.
-The visit starts and ends during the civil year 2019.

Please forward the complete proposals (if needed ordered) by November 12, 2018 to the following address: